My story

A lifelong journey in learning on how to focus on that which is most important, with Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength

My story is quite simple and not so grand. I like that because it makes me like most people, average. At least by human standards but there is no average in the eyes of God.

I grew up in a very small New England town which I still in my heart think of as home.  It was as average as one could imagine, but I was fortunate to have two very special parents who inspired a belief and faith in things much greater than oneself. It took time and many life’s events to grasp what that meant, but without their strong faith and values, life would have been much different. 

From that small town, I have now traveled the world, some 30 or more countries, filled more bucket lists than I have buckets for.  Married for over 33 years and father to three great young men.  

"There is no average in the eyes of God."

Andrew Macdonald